Author Archives: Charles Yong

Stupid Google

My friend told me about this yesterday. I thought it was joking, at least a little bit exaggerated.

I am free the morning, so I checked it out 5 minutes ago.

Now, all I want to say is that “How much the hell did BostonDynamics cost to push Google sell the future of the android?”

Star Trek: Discovery

How to describe Star Trek: Discovery?

Well, the only word comes to me is Gorgeous!

The last time I saw such a fascinating work is still when I knew Battlestar Galactica, which is 3 years ago.

———- UPD 2018.1.24 ———-

This serial is getting more and more boring. And I’ve stopped following it.


Translation: If you wake up during midnight while finding yourself haven’t read any books for a long long time and you can’t feel any guilty, then you should know that you have been depraved. It’s not about if the book itself is noble, but about the action you read books which indicate that you are not in complete agreement in this world and the reality. This action also means you have exploring, fighting. It means you have disagreement. It means you are chasing other possibilities, another kind of life.

Original: 如果你半夜醒来发现自己已经好长时间没读书,而且没有任何负罪感的时候,你就必须知道,你已经堕落了。不是说书本本身特了不起,而是读书这个行为意味着你没有完全认同于这个现世和现实,你还有追求,还在奋斗,你还有不满,你还在寻找另一种可能性,另一种生活方式。 ——陈平原

Source: zhihu

Ink Test Ⅱ

I have been selecting inks for regular writing for some time. I tried SAILOR, Noodler’s Ink. They do are waterproof. But none of them could resist my highlighter.

And recently, I tried ink from PARKER and PILOT which is not waterproof. But they turn out to be highlighter-proof.

Here’s the waterproof test:

Here’s the highlighter-proof test:

So as a result, I fill one pen with ink from PILOT, and two with ink from SAILOR. And after running out of SAILOR, I will try Pelikan 4001 which is out of options as it’s not waterproof.


I’ve just found the app made by for WordPress sites owners to manage their sites on iPhone. It’s a great convenience for me! So I download it at once.

But here’s a problem: it can’t connect to my self-hosted site. After looking it up with Google, I found out that the official plugin Jetpack need to be installed in WordPress. After installing this problem was settled.

But here’s another issue: I can’t post any post! Then I found this link: It’s said that the package for XML Generating is not installed in the operating system by default. So I installed php-xml and php-xmlrpc by apt-get and then everything worked. And this post is posted by the app on iPhone. Actually this is not the first time for me to find out the lack of required package caused error in WordPress. Last time is when I was going to corp a photo on WordPress.

Any way, this works for me right now. And it brings me great convenience!